Monday, November 17, 2008

Rallying Against Prop 8

I got up early on Saturday to make my way, via the Red Line, downtown for the rally in objection to Prop 8.  It was a hot, smoky day, and I looked forward to coming home and watching coverage of the extraordinary event on the news. Of course, there was no news but that of the devastating wildfires, which, incidentally, destroyed the family home of the man who made my wedding ring.

I only just realized the significance of that as I typed it. Before we got married, my wife and I arranged not to breed.  To some -- those who believe that the only legitimate purpose of marriage is to promote the getting of children by 1 man and 1 woman -- that would seem to disqualify us from have been granted a marriage license at all.

I hope the debate turns from boycotts against individual businesses and Mormons (you can find a lengthier discussion of my Last Word on this is on my restaurant blog, regarding El Coyote, here) and toward this larger, fundamental issue of equality and civil rights. As funny as some of the signs and as impassioned as some of the speeches from the podium were on Saturday, the single best summation of the issue was one I overheard on the subway on the way home.  A woman explained to a straight man who was conflicted about the issue: "On the ballot, the first words describing the Prop 8 were: Changes California Constitution to eliminate right of... I don't even need to read a single word farther to know that it's wrong."

Constitutions are made to guarantee rights, not eliminate them.

Okay... here are some of those funny signs (many of which traded on the conceit that chickens were voted more rights than gay people in the election.  Last snap courtesy

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